The Betty Lou McLean Scholarship
Reading Community Players offers a scholarship of at least $500.00 for graduating seniors pursuing a higher education degree in the arts. Qualifications are as follows:
1. You must be a current or past member of RCP (will be verified), and have been involved with RCP on or off the stage.
2. You must be a graduating senior who has been accepted at a college or arts school. ***Proof that you have given a college your intent to attend must be provided before scholarship funds will be released.
3. You must complete the application in its entirety and it must be postmarked no later than May 1 of the current year. Please send applications to:
Reading Community Players
Attention: Scholarship Committee
PO Box 13425
Reading, PA 19612-3425
4. You may have to attend a scheduled interview.
***Arts majors will be given preference. If there are no applications received from students pursuing a degree in the arts, other majors will be considered.
If there are any questions, please email the RCP President at